april small business feature: wsamnipat
Boston, MA
Wsamnipat is a small online craft business specializing in handmade goods.
Tell Us About Your Business:
A small craft business specializing in handmade goods! From stationery, resin art, candles, to home decor and more.
How Did Your Business Get Started?:
I've always been a maker and my crafts started to accumulate all over my apartment during the Pandemic in 2020. I decided to open up an online shop to share my work with others!
Tell Us About A Recent Accomplishment In Your Business:
I went viral on TikTok with a video that got almost 450K views. It brought it a lot of business for me during the holiday season!
What Are Your Favorite Products or Services That You Currently Sell?:
Succulent garden candles, resin dominos, bookmarks made with hand pressed florals, and sun catchers.
What Advice Do You Have For Someone In The Beginning States Of Owning A Business?:
Invest in all the right materials and tools for your business to grow from the start and create an organized workspace!
Check out their website wsamnipat.com and receive 15% off all purchases with code NIM22!